Thursday, February 20, 2014

Review: Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

I don't read horror. I've previously not been mad on zombies. I was sick of dystopians. BUT OMG I LOVED THIS BOOK. Originally intended as a stand-alone I believe Marion is writing a sequel and I can't frickin' wait!

Our male protagonist 'R' is witty, intelligent and thoughtful - not what you'd expect from a zombie. I was hooked by the opening paragraph, after, "My friend 'M' says the irony of being a zombie is that everything is funny, but you can't smile because your lips have rotted off." The writing is smooth, coherent and believable despite the whole undead thing.

The book begins as more apocalypse-type but gets more fantasy-ish towards the end, so catering to all readers really. Yes, those are technical descriptive words I just used. A1 in English would you believe.

The book isn't really gorey at all but I did make the mistake of eating spaghetti afterwards so maybe stick to something more like a beer or apple juice while you READ IT. (I tried to think of a food that couldn't, in the wrong setting, resemble bodily organs, but it's harder than I thought. Suggestions welcome.)

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