Thursday, February 20, 2014

Review: This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales

Ok so Elise, our leading lady from This Song Will Save Your Life starts off as that annoying precocious uncool girl in your class that you would have felt sorry for except that she wasn't very nice or humble so you actually didn't like her at all really. BUT THEN, before you know it, you're identifying with her, her thoughts and feelings, insecurities and inner pride. She has self-worth despite not liking herself, and I remember a time when I knew that even if no one else liked me, I liked me, I knew who I was when no one else did, and so does Elise. So yeah I REALLY liked her by the end too. Elise is different, yo'! (I'm so white it hurts sometimes)

But seriously, this is a really great book and I loved how Sales reveals how we believe people to be their projections but with the right lights, in the right pizza parlour, we can suddenly realise that for what it is: a hologram image that hides the fact we're all, in the end, human and vulnerable.

On a side note I am not a big fan of this cover. It's non-descript and unmotivating and does not make me want to pick the book up off the (virtual or otherwise) bookshelf. Make it personal for crying out loud. The story is personal, so why go generic on the cover. Also I'm not a huge fan of real images of people on covers. Like stock images ya know? Even if you can't make out features I just think it's a trapping of the contemporary YA scene. Ugh.

READ THIS BOOK, with pizza pockets. I've never had pizza pockets as they don't exist in Ireland but I imagine they would taste good with this book.

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